Saturday, 16 January 2010

Questions About Swine Flu

How Can I Avoid Catching It?

Good standards of hygiene can help protect you from catching Swine Flu.

1/ Wash your hands frequently with soap and water and carry an alcohol-based hand gel to use if water isn't available.

2/ Cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze, using a tissue if possible

3/ Dispose of used tissues quickly and carefully

4/ Make sure you clean hard surfaces like door handles frequently.

How Do I Know If I Have Swine Flu ?

Just like normal Flu, the symptons of Swine Flu include:

1/ a sudden fever (a high body temperature of 38C/100.4F or above)

2/ a sudden cough

Other symptons may include:

* Headache

* Sore throat

* Tiredness

* Runny nose

* Chills

* Sneezing

* Aching muscles

* Loss of appetite

* Limb or joint pain

* Diarrhoea or stomach upset

If you think you have Swine Flu, do the following:

Stay at home and check your symptons on government (or your National Pandemic Flu Service) regulated websites.

Only call your doctor, if:

1/ You have a serious underlying illness

2/ You are pregnant

3/ You have a sick child under one year old

4/ Your condition suddenly gets much worse after 7 days (or 5 days for a child)


Please remember to plan ahead

1/ Ask a fried or relative to be your 'Flu friend'

2/ If diagnosed, you will be given information on how your 'Flu friend' can pick up your medicines.

Also note, when collect the Antivirals, your 'Flu friend'will need to show some form of ID for themselves and for you.

Millions at risk from fake drugs

Do not under any circumstances buy antiviral drug from unregulated websites - You may be gambling with your life.

About 1 in 7 adults admitted to avoiding the healtcare system to get 'Presciption Only Medicine' which could be counterfeit.

Fake medicines can contain harmful ingredients such as rat poison, lead paint and the insecticide additive Boric Acid.


For further advice and information on Swine Flu, contact your regional (or local) National Pandemic Flu Service.

Copyright 2010, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 9 January 2010

The Linden Method - Why Is it Working?

The world's premier Anxiety, Panic Attack, OCD and Phobia elimination program. Is it, really ?

This method was developed by an ex-anxiety sufferer Charles Linden, after he researched every piece of information and treatsments for Panic Attacks, Anxiety and Phobias and then systematically identified the ones which actually worked.

The Linden Method has been developed as a drug free natural Anxiety relief treatment program.

Charles Linden motto seems to be "you either decide to do this or not to do it" - You really cannot agrue with that.

To date, they have successfully treated/helped 126,668 ex-sufferers to permanently
and completely eliminate panic attacks, anxiety attacks, OCD, phobias and all the
associated symptoms that had previously dominated and ruled their lives.

This is more sufferers than any other therapist, doctor or psychologist would do in five lifetimes. Their experience in the field of Anxiety (and related Phobias) is second to none and their success rate is unquestionable.

The method obviously doesn't work for everyone (i.e. the 3.3% who fail, just don't do it correctly!) but with the 100% money-back guarantee, we cannot see why anyone should have reason to be displeased. If it works - great, if not - invoke the guarantee, as simple as that.

Remember - "Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks are not mental or physical illnesses. They are behavioral conditions, fueled solely by our own actions".

Startling Statistics

Nearly 7% of the American population currently suffer from Anxiety Disorders, including Panic Attacks and Phobias. There are many more worldwide. Today, his program has become one of the most highly respected treatments throughout the mental health industry.

It is endorsed by psychologists and doctors who have put The Linden Method to the test and seen incredible results among their clients.
(Click here to read about the Science Behind The Linden Method)

Try it, you have nothing to loose and a lot to gain.

The package consists of the Linden Method Manual and 6 audio CDs
which contain a mixture of 'The Method', visualisation exercises, the 'Nine Pillars'
method, interview with Charles Linden, some relaxing music tracks and 1 year of free unlimited counseling support. The staff are willing to talk for long sessions.

There are three versions of The Linden Method available to you. All three versions contain everything you will need to conquer your anxiety disorder and include delivery (where applicable):

1/ The Linden Method Downlaod Version - cost $99

2/ The Linden Method Printed Version - cost $117

3/ The Linden Method Junior Version (Age 7-15) - cost $197

If you think $197 is a lot of money for all that, you have clearly never been to see a psychologist or counsellor privately.

Charles Linden states right at the beginning of his method that "you either decide to do this or not to do it" and it is as simple as that.

Why is the Linden Method so successful? It can be attributed to a number of things:

1/ It was developed by a knowledgeable person who had suffered for many years

2/ The root cause of anxiety disorders is addressed

3/ There are no drugs involved and therefore no harmful side effects

4/ It is an easy to follow program

5/ It is soothing and gentle with nothing frightening, but at the same time extremely effective.

6/ Unlimited support and advice is available from trained and sympathetic counselors

7/ Tested and approved by doctors and psychologists, the Linden Method is on its way to becoming the number one treatment for panic attacks and anxiety disorders


1/ A Panic Attack is not dangerous and does not need to disrupt your life in any way.

2/ Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attacks are not mental or physical illnesses. They are
behavioral conditions, fueled solely by our own actions.

3/ It 100% money back guarantee - You have nothing to lose. Try It.

4/ You can make the choice today. It's so easy. Instead of existing in a state of constant Panic and Anxiety, with the Linden Method you can start living life to the full and do those things you never thought possible.

5/ A Donation from Every Linden Method Pack is Made to Unicef

About Charles Linden

19 years ago, Charles was living in Germany, travelling a total of 100 miles daily (50 miles each way to work) and working 18 hours days, when he had his first panic attack. Click here to find out more about Charles.

Copyright 2010, All Rights Reserved

The Linden Method - Science Behind It

The Linden Method is a well-known method for eliminating anxiety disorders, panic attacks and phobias. The method was developed by an ex-anxiety sufferer Charles Linden. After years of living with a severe case of anxiety, he discovered a technique that finally helped him to fully recover.

Charles Linden described his technique in the The Linden Method. This program directly affects the Amygdala – a small, almond shaped organ in your brain that is responsible for anxiety, panic and phobias. The guide explains exactly what you need to do in order to undo the changes in the Amygdala and permanently get rid of anxiety and panic disorders.

This report is taken from Nature, an international journal of science.

"The amygdala, a large structure deep within each cerebral hemisphere, is the place where the brain stores memories of fear," said University of Southern California neuroscientist Richard F. Thompson, co-author of the Nature article.

"In the presence of threatening stimuli, the amygdala signals to the prefrontal cortex, triggering the expression of fearful behavior."

Researchers at USC and the Université de Bordeaux (France) trained laboratory mice by sounding a tone and then administering a small electric shock. The mice soon learned to associate the tone with the impending shock and froze in fear as soon as they heard it. Simultaneously, the researchers detected changes in the electrical impulses measured by electrodes implanted in the subjects' prefrontal cortex. When the amygdala was then surgically removed, both the freezing behavior and the altered neuronal activity disappeared.

Lead author René Garcia, of Bordeaux's Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, designed and completed the experiment in Thompson's USC laboratory during the summer of 1999. "While a mouse's brain is far smaller than a human's, it has essentially the same structures and operates in analogous ways," Thompson explained.

"The prefrontal cortex acts as a kind of 'executive office,' controlling other parts of the brain. It makes decisions that determine how you will react. Memories of fear are stored in the amygdala, which codes them into signals and transmits those signals to the frontal cortex for action."

"Why are you afraid when you're walking alone in the dark and hear footsteps behind you? You have learned to be afraid. Nearly all of our fears are learned fears." Anxiety disorders, such as panic attacks and phobias, are expressions of your memories of fear", said Thompson.

Thompson, director of the USC Program in Neural, Informational and Behavioral Sciences, holds the William M. Keck Chair in Biological Sciences and Psychology in the USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

In addition to Garcia and Thompson, USC neurobiologist Michel Baudry and Université de Bordeaux neuroscientist Rose Marie Vouimba were co-authors of the Nature article.

The study was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NATO and Fondation Fyssen.

Further research on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (one of the five main anxiety disorders) announced by Psychology Today, concluded that:

"It has been found that the fear response is coordinated by a small structure deep inside the brain, called the Amygdala. The Amygdala, although relatively small, is a very complicated structure, and recent research suggests that post-traumatic stress disorder may be associated with abnormal activation of the amygdala."

Further Read: The Linden Method

Copyright 2010, All Rights Reserved

Anxiety - Caused By Memories Of Fear

Anxiety is caused 100% by 'memories of fear'

The extract below is taken from Nature, the international but UK based journal of science. These research findings confirm all of our research and theories into the way the amygdala works and confirms clearly that anxiety is caused 100% by 'memories of fear'. It then goes on to say that they would like to find a genetic or drug solution which would STOP the amygdala from signalling to the frontal cortex! No need folks, we have found a way to stop it!

Extracts from the British journal Nature, point the way toward possible treatments for anxiety disorders.

"The amygdala, a large structure deep within each cerebral hemisphere, is the place where the brain stores memories of fear," said University of Southern California neuroscientist Richard F. Thompson, co-author of the Nature article".

"In the presence of threatening stimuli, the amygdala signals to the prefrontal cortex, triggering the expression of fearful behavior".

Researchers at USC and the Université de Bordeaux (France) trained laboratory mice by sounding a tone and then administering a small electric shock. The mice soon learned to associate the tone with the impending shock and froze in fear as soon as they heard it. Simultaneously, the researchers detected changes in the electrical impulses measured by electrodes implanted in the subjects' prefrontal cortex. When the amygdala was then surgically removed, both the freezing behavior and the altered neuronal activity disappeared.

Lead author René Garcia, of Bordeaux's Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives, designed and completed the experiment in Thompson's USC laboratory during the summer of 1999. "While a mouse's brain is far smaller than a human's, it has essentially the same structures and operates in analogous ways," Thompson explained.

"The prefrontal cortex acts as a kind of 'executive office,' controlling other parts of the brain. It makes decisions that determine how you will react. Memories of fear are stored in the amygdala, which codes them into signals and transmits those signals to the frontal cortex for action."

"Why are you afraid when you're walking alone in the dark and hear footsteps behind you? You have learned to be afraid. Nearly all of our fears are learned fears." Anxiety disorders, such as panic attacks and phobias, are expressions of your memories of fear", said Thompson.

"If we could find a drug or genetic treatment that would stop the amygdala from signaling to the frontal cortex, then we could effectively treat anxiety disorders," he suggested.

Thompson, director of the USC Program in Neural, Informational and Behavioral Sciences, holds the William M. Keck Chair in Biological Sciences and Psychology in the USC College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.

In addition to Garcia and Thompson, USC neurobiologist Michel Baudry and Université de Bordeaux neuroscientist Rose Marie Vouimba were co-authors of the Nature article.

The study was funded by grants from the National Science Foundation, NATO and Fondation Fyssen.


Dr Francis Teeney, Research Psychologist from Queen's University, Belfast has endorsed The Linden Method. FINALLY, the scientific recognition that endorses Charles Linden program as a recognized therapy.

126,668 people around the world have used The Linden Method to eliminate their anxiety, panic attacks, OCD and phobias.

"So, why is The Linden Method such an effective solution to anxiety, panic attacks, OCD and phobias?"

Copyright 2010, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Why Therabreath Is Better Than Any Other Oral Care Product

1/ TheraBreath active component are soothing and produces Oxidizing Power once it enters the mouth. This stabilization procedure permits TheraBreath to have maximum 3 year shelf life. When any of the TheraBreath products enter your mouth, a chemical reaction occurs, which permits bounty of Active Oxygenation to happen each and every time you make use of it. That’s why millions and millions of bottles and tubes of TheraBreath products are sold every week in just the U.S. single-handedly!

2/ TheraBreath has turn out to be the most “comprehensible” unsullied breath system, comprising of Oral Rinse, Toothpaste, Breath Spray, intense PowerDrops, Oxygenating Chewing Gum, (all in both normal and Extra Strength editions), together with Nasal Sinus Drops and ZOX Breath Lozenges, and Fresh Breath Strips, all intended to hit the origin of the trouble all through the day with the maximum of expediency. A few Breath-refreshing systems depend exclusively on mouthwash to get rid of Bad Breath(Halitosis).

3/ TheraBreath Toothpaste is also found in a Fluoride edition which protects against decay and tooth sensitivity, in addition to a non-fluoride edition which takes in Xylitol to protect against decay. Fluoride has also been revealed to be a successful de-sensitizing mediator. A few of the other “Anti-Halitosis” systems do not take in any Fluoride at all. In both the ways, TheraBreath Toothpaste helps to protect against decay, on top of Bad Breath (Halitosis), dreadful tastes, and dry mouth.

4/ We have added extremely strong Whole Leaf Aloe Vera to our toothpaste. Current research in Asia has revealed that Aloe Vera improves the body’s capability to form collagen, which also reinforces feeble and inflamed gums to restore to health more rapidly. Bleeding gums make available a protein source to the bacteria that produce Bad Breath (Halitosis). No other “anti- Halitosis” process takes in this type of Aloe Vera to fight this supplementary trouble.

5/ Therabreath toothpaste does not have Saccharin. A lot of other breath-refreshing products like Oxyfresh, TriOral, and Closys II have saccharin. Saccharin has been known to be carcinogenic in lab animals and the state of California has lately made available a long term research on its pessimistic consequences. In addition to this, for a few people, Saccharin produces a bitter savor, as a result of one of the chemical compounds formed during Saccharin’s chemical breakdown.

6/ TheraBreath toothpaste does not have Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (a strong detergent), which along with other things has been known to be linked to an augmented occurrence of canker sores. Nearly all toothpastes like TriOral and Oxyfresh have this chemical. Research has revealed that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate should not be applied by those who experience canker sores, those who are diabetic or those who experience dry mouth.

Toothpaste that contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate will cause high levels of bubbles in the mouth. You will be better off rinsing out these odour-causing bacteria from your mouth by brushing more often.

7/ TheraBreath toothpaste is in reality a gel. Chemically speaking, gels are to great extent smaller molecules than pastes, permitting deeper infiltration under the surface of the tongue. TheraBreath toothpaste also have first showing tooth polishing and whitening agents, so as to maintain your smile white and dazzling, however without the harmful abrasives. They are animal cruelty-free and are not damaging to the atmosphere. And, we’ve lately got Kosher guarantee on all of our rinses, toothpastes, sprays, drops, and mints. This implies that we make use of simply pure vegetable or mineral based components – no animal or animal-based components.

8/ All of our toothpastes now have a new variety of mineral protectant known as Polypyrophosphate machinery. On the whole, these natural minerals stop calculus, tartar and plaque from attaching to tooth enamel, resulting in cleaner teeth and improved gums.

No other “breath” toothpaste has these valuable minerals. Actually, only a few manufacturers have worried to spend the funds to put in this to their formulas.

Well, I guess their bottom line comes prior to our gum line!

TheraBreath products can be found at

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