Thursday, 22 April 2010

Top 10 Causes of Death (Men and Women) In America - Since 2010

1) Disease of the Heart

2) Malignant Neoplasms (Cancer)

3) Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease

4) Alzheimer's Disease

5) Accidents (unintentional injuries)

6) Cerebrovascular Disease

7) Diabetes Mellitus

8) Influenza and Pneumonia

9) Intentional Self-harm (suicide)

10) Nephritis, Nephrotic Syndrome and Nephosis

The good news is, there are many things we can do to avoid becoming a victim to the above awful diseases/circumstances - Sometimes life throws us a curve ball but not all the time. There are certain things we can do to help our selves -

1) get educated, don't be an illiterate
2) make certain lifestyle changes geared toward making you healthy and fit
3) eat well - We live in a world where there are now variety of good food in abundance.
4) go out, see people, make friends - Don't die alone

Copyright 2009, All Rights Reserved

8 Reasons to Start Working Out

A few good motivators to shed that extra holiday weight you've packed on.

Overeating—and drinking—is an inevitable part of the last few months. Now, like most Americans, you've probably made a New Year's resolution to hit the gym a little harder. But since most resolutions are made to be broken, we've got a few extra motivators to help you get in gear. Print them out, hang them on your fridge and get going. Or else . . .

You'll Have Bad Breath
Researchers at Tel Aviv University recently found a direct link between obesity and bad breath—the more overweight you are, the more likely your breath will smell rank to those around you. The experts reported that there's no scientific evidence that would explain their results but suggested that obese people may have a diet that promotes dry mouth or that they're less likely to have proper oral hygiene.

You'll Snore
Sleep apnea, a disruption of breathing while asleep, is commonly accompanied by symptoms of extremely loud, irregular snoring. And obesity is the factor most likely to lead to sleep apnea (about 70 percent of people who have sleep apnea are overweight). But don't despair too much: A Temple University study found that obese sleep apnea patients who lost just 10 percent of their weight showed good improvements of their condition.

You'll Spend More Time in the Hospital
A study by sociologists at Purdue University found obesity leads to more frequent and longer hospital stays. On average, overweight patients stayed a day and a half longer than those with normal weight. The experts attributed the connection to more prominence of disease, like high blood pressure, which afflicts 46 percent of obese adults. Next time you're about to dig into a plate of chili cheese fries, ask yourself if they're worth losing 36 hours of your life.

Your Doctor Won't Like You
Doctors have less respect for their obese patients than they do for patients of normal weight, reports a new study by Johns Hopkins researchers. As patient's BMI went up, docs reported a corresponding lower respect for them. Who cares what your doctor thinks of you? Previous studies have shown that when physicians respect their patients, there's a better flow of information and patients are more likely to seek medical help in general.

You Could Die in a Car Accident
As body mass index goes up, seatbelt use goes down. So say researchers at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. In a telephone survey they found that about 30 percent of overweight individuals did not use a seatbelt, compared to about 20 percent of the average population. And the seatbelt use continued to decline as BMI increased. The study concluded that obese people are more likely to be involved in fatal car accidents due to the fact that they're less likely to wear a seatbelt. So buckle up!

You'll Get Dumber
Young adults who are in shape have a higher IQ, reveals a new study carried out at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden. The study examined 1.2 million Swedish men doing military service who were born between 1950 and 1976 and analyzed the results of physical and IQ tests when the men enrolled. The results found a clear link between good physical fitness and better results for the IQ test. Researchers attributed the intelligence to the fact that the brain gets plenty of oxygen when people are more physically fit.

You'll Have a Stroke
Men who regularly engage in moderate-to-heavy intensity exercise such as jogging, tennis or swimming may be less likely to have a stroke than people who get no exercise or only light exercise, reports a recent study. The study's more active men were 63 percent less likely to have a stroke than those who did lighter activities like walking and golfing. Strokes, by the way, are the leading cause of disability and the third-leading cause of death in the United States.

You'll Go Broke
With the recent implementation of fat-taxes, sugary and fatty foods are starting to strain people's belts and wallets. Forty states now impose extra sales taxes (up to seven percent) on soft drinks and a few snack items; and the number of taxable items is only predicted to go up. Medically speaking, a 2006 study found that obese people spent 42 percent more than people of normal weight on medical costs (a difference of $1,429). Additionally, airlines have begun enforcing policies that passengers too large to fit in one seat must purchase a second—at standard price. Makes that $12 salad look more reasonable, huh?

Source Men's Fitness

Copyright 2010

Kicking Off Toxins

It’s time for detox and all it will take is just 10 days! Learn how to go about it

After each celebration, the effects of the revelry starts showing on one’s health and mind. Late nights, impromptu snacking, partying, binging on high-calorie foods and innumerable rounds of drinks, can take a toll on one’s health. Antioxidant levels become low and trans fat levels shoot up. Instead of running for help, go for a detox.

Detox, short for detoxification, is the body's natural, ongoing process of neutralising or eliminating toxins from the body. A diet that lacks certain nutrients may also impair our natural ability to detoxify chemicals, which further leads to their build-up in the body. The cumulative load, called the "body burden", is thought to lead to illness and can lead to hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiency, and an inefficient metabolism. Signs are thought to include indigestion, bad breath, fatigue, poor skin, and muscle pain.

According to Priyancka Jaieswal, a nutritionist, “Detox should be started within two to three days of high-partying, and once started the feeling of being on a diet must be banished.” Detox diet improves energy, clears skin, regulates bowel movements, improves digestion, and increases concentration and clarity. Priyancka also reminds one to incorporate yoga and light exercises as a daily ritual.

Detox should be started within two to three days of high-partying

There are many different types of detox diets. Generally, a detox diet is a short-term diet that:

Minimises the amount of chemicals ingested (for example, by the use of organic food).

Emphasises foods that provide vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that the body needs for detoxification.

Contains foods, such as high fiber foods and water that draw out and eliminate toxins by increasing the frequency of bowel movements and urination.

Day 1: Go easy on the first day. There must be no sudden changes in the diet. Have normal food. Go for yoga, and brisk walk. Incorporate green tea or herbal tea with lime. Instead of snacks, go for gourd juice.

Day 2: Breakfast can be soya yogurt with about 150-200gms raw fruits.

For mid-morning snack, amla and orange juice. Amla is great for food absorption and reduces body heat naturally, and orange being a citric fruit, is high on anti-oxidants.

For lunch, have brown bread and tofu with a bowl of fresh fruit salad.

Mid-afternoon snack would include a handful of nuts or seeds.

Dinner must be over by 7pm after which there must be no carbohydrate intake.

Have loads of fruits and juices

Day 3: Breakfast would include porridge with fruit and soya milk.

Mid-morning snack would include a handful of grapes.

For lunch, say no to cereals, instead go for raw salad with cabbage.

Dinner can be green soup or boiled green vegetables.

Day 4: Breakfast would include whole wheat porridge with fruits. Mainly yellow or red coloured fruits like papaya, strawberry, water melon etc.

Mid-morning snack can be cucumber and carrot sticks.

Lunch: Spinach and tomato soup.

Dinner: One piece brown bread, raw salad with cabbage.

Day 5: Breakfast would mean, brown bread with tofu and grated capsicum.

Mid-morning snack would be, fresh fruit juice.

Lunch: Would include wheat spaghettis or wheat pasta with boiled or baked vegetables or raw salad.

Dinner: Boiled vegetables.

Instead of dieting, keep an eye on what you are having

Day 6: Repeat the chart of day 2.

Day 7: Repeat the chart for day 4.

Day 8: Repeat the chart for day 3.

Day 9: Repeat the chart for day 5.

Day 10: Repeat the chart for day 1.

Rina Das, a regular party animal, feels that detox makes one feel lighter and unlike a diet, which has to be regular, detox can be done once in a while to purify the system.

Reshmi Roy Chowdhury, dietrician, suggests banning dairy products except tofu and soya products, and non-vegetarian items except sea-fishes, for the detox to work out. “One can take two to three almonds or walnut soaked in water for breakfast. Also instead of caffeine, go for warm water with lemon or lemon tea,” feels Reshmi.

Do incorporate breathing exercises

The key to making sure the detox works is changing the timings and the food style often, so that the body doesn’t get accustomed to a particular table. With this easy to follow 10-day regime, one can be sure what to do when a festive season is round the corner.

Source The Kolkata Mirror

Copyright 2010