Thursday, 25 December 2008

Relieving Chronic Constipation

Relieving Chronic Constipation

It is not necessary to have a bowel movement everyday. From 3 bowel movements each day to 3 each week is considered normal. Constipation can be accompanied by fatigue, bloating and mild cramps.

The following can cause chronic constipation

1/ diets low in fibre or roughage and high in animal fat
2/ stress can lead to constipation.
3/ certain drugs like antacids and pain relievers can cause constipation
4/ Travel can cause constipation. This is due to changes in drinking water, diet and daily activities.
5/ Older people sometimes suffer constipation because of not drinking enough fluids, lack of exercise and low fibre diets
6/ over-use of laxatives resulting in dependencies is a common cause

Suggestion for Relieving Constipation

1/ eat fruits, raw vegetables, bran, whole grain bread and cereals
2/ eat regularly
3/ get plenty of physical exercise
4/ drink a half glass of hot water half an hour before breakfast every day
5/ drink a total of eight glasses of fluids daily – two should be prune juice.
6/ never strain, relax
7/ have regular bowel movements at the same time of day. The best time is half an hour or so after breakfast
8/ if you’re still having difficulty add an ounce of mineral oil to fruit juice and drink before going to bed
9/ try a mixture of yoghurt and prunes. Researchers believe the lactobacillus acid ophilus in yoghurt helps promote regularity.

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