Saturday, 15 November 2008

The Importance of Panic

The generalist nature of primary care implies that every anxiety is relevant to the primary care physician. Anxieties that are truly important, however, are identified by their prevalence, severity, and treat ability. Only treatable severe anxieties that are prevalent in primary care settings are critical to primary care physicians.

Not only is panic anxiety prevalent in primary care settings but it also represents a serious anxiety as measured by comorbidity, quality of life, and economic costs. It is believed that subjects with panic anxiety may begin to fear situations in which they have experienced a panic attack. Soon, they develop anxiety in anticipation of those situations and eventually avoid them. Of the subjects with panic anxiety, 65% have some degree of phobic avoidance.

Panic anxiety is also associated with depression. The rate of major depression in subjects with panic anxiety is 48%. Irrespective of the presence of affective anxieties, panic anxiety is also linked to suicidality. The rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts seen in subjects with panic anxiety are higher than those seen in subjects with major depression. Either through a kindling phenomenon with repeated withdrawals or through attempts to self-medicate for their panic, there is an increased prevalence of substance abuse in subjects with panic anxiety.

Alcoholism is seen in 37% of subjects with panic anxiety, and illicit drug abuse is present in 31%. Quality of life is poorer in subjects with panic anxiety: not only is self-perceived physical and emotional health rated poorer but also 26% of subjects have moderate to severe social impairment. Financial dependency (25%) and panic-related work disability are common in subjects with panic anxiety. Compared with other anxiety, panic anxiety results in the worst outcomes and the most psychosocial impairment for affected patients. Economically, panic anxiety is responsible for high health care costs as well as work disability costs of over $33,000 per patient.

Panic anxiety is a severe condition prevalent in primary care settings; but to be considered of critical importance, it must also be treatable. Panic anxiety is eminently treatable through a variety of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic means. With response rates of over 90% in some studies, panic anxiety is considered to have "the most favorable prognosis of any major psychiatric condition." In light of its severity, its prevalence in primary care, and its treat ability, knowledge about panic anxiety is of critical importance to primary care physicians.

Recommended Resource: The Panic Away Official Site
They have developed a Natural Technique To Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

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Panic Anxiety and Panic attack - A Devastating Condition

Panic Anxiety and Panic attack - A Devastating Condition

Panic anxiety is a devastating condition with a higher prevalence in female patients and young adults. Panic anxiety is frequently associated with major depression, agoraphobia, substance abuse, suicide attempts, and impaired quality of life. Only one half of the subjects with panic anxiety seek care for their attacks, and those who do seek care tend to present to primary care and emergency department settings. If treated correctly, panic anxiety has a favorable prognosis.

To a person who has never experienced a panic attack, it is hard to understand its psychologically devastating nature. An objective explanation of its symptomatology cannot confinement of the disturbance it causes.

Panic attacks have a distinguishing group of symptoms, beginning impulsively and quickly peaking in strength. The early symptoms have a propensity to be cardiopulmonary, with dyspnea time and again reported. Fear of death, becoming mad, or losing control, which may be a learned reaction, happens late in the attack. Even though there is significant symptomatic unpredictability both in and between subjects with panic, panic attacks have a tendency to be a consistent phenomenon. Because isolated panic attacks may occur in otherwise normal patients who are under extreme duress, the occurrence of panic attacks is not uniquely diagnostic of panic anxiety.

A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which four (or more) of the following symptoms developed abruptly and reached a peak within 10 minutes:

• Palpitation, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
• Sweating
• Trembling or shaking
• Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
• Feeling of choking
• Chest pain or discomfort
• Nausea or abdominal distress
• Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
• Derealization or depersonalization
• Fear of losing control or going crazy
• Fear of dying
• Numbness or tingling sensations
• Chills or hot flushes

Panic anxiety is defined by recurrent panic attacks with a minimum one month of panic-induced behavior change or persistent concern about the attacks or their consequences

To meet the criteria for panic anxiety, the attacks cannot be the direct result of a general medical condition or of substance abuse. In addition, since panic attacks are seen in a variety of mental anxieties, they are not indicative of panic anxiety if they are better explained on the basis of a mental anxiety other than panic anxiety.

The onset of panic anxiety tends to occur in young adulthood (ages 20 to 40). Panic anxiety is heredity in nature, and its onset usually occurs during times of stress, hormonal instability, or cocaine use.

Recent evidence suggests that both panic anxiety and infrequent panic may be linked to childhood sexual abuse, increasing the possibility that panic anxiety may represent a form of posttraumatic stress anxiety.

Panic anxiety is a prevalent condition resulting in frequent use of the health care system. Without diagnosis and treatment, panic anxiety is a chronically disabling anxiety associated with significant comorbidity and decreased quality of life. Treatment is highly successful and can bring back patients to usual functioning.

Recommended Resource: The Panic Away Official Site
They have developed a Natural Technique To Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

How to Handle Panic Attack

Stay cool, have something to eat, and keep in mind there's nothing to panic but panic itself.

Panic is a normal response to certain situations--if a bear charges you, for example; you recognize that unexpectedly you're face-to-muzzle with an animal that consider you safe to eat. But when you can't do anything that's reasonably routine to most, like crossing a high although established footbridge, you're unexpectedly the victim of a sequence of multifaceted disturbing and physical misfires, concerning self-perception, control problems, biology, background, even inheritance. The excellent news, though, is that you don't have to outline all that matters out to get control of your panic.

Initially, recognize that an attack generally becomes lighter in 15 – 20 minutes. Moreover, rest guaranteed that you won't faint, die of heart failure, or end in an asylum. "People need to understand they won't turn into psychotic and lose their minds, although the attack looks as if to go on and on."

Panic attacks go after a max out/plateau/indulgence pattern, in which neurons discharge a flood of adrenaline in the fight-or-flight reaction that's hard-wired into each and every one of us animals. At the same time as in this mode, any systems not necessary for a quick getaway--like rational consideration and digestion--shut down in anticipation of the time till the fear fades. In other words, your body has an integrated fail-safe system that handles the fear while maintaining essential organs pumping alongside.

Despite the fact that that may be small relieve if you're in the throes of a panic attack, there are a few uncomplicated things you can do to head them off:

• Prefer decaf, no sugar. Caffeine, nicotine, and sugar are dietary stressors. Caffeine, especially, makes it easier for your body to act in response to adrenaline, making the way for a panic attack. Moreover, if you have low blood sugar troubles, keep away from refined sugar; hypoglycemia can worsen panic symptoms.

• Pacify. Panic attacks have been connected to stress, thus work on staying stress-free. For 20 minutes daily, practice recreation techniques, like deep breathing from your abdomen. Breathe in gradually through your nose and make certain your abdomen rises as you gasp. Breathe out gradually, letting your complete body rest. Breathe in, breathe out, calm down, and repeat.

• Walk, run, and swim. Exercise, any variety of it, is an anxiety reducer.

• Expose yourself to panic. Make a pecking order of panic circumstances, ranking them from comparatively risk-free to the most terrible thing you can envisage. If heights make you panicked in a body-soaking sweat, list climbing a stepladder initially and taking a mountaineering class afterwards. Rate your developments on a 1 to 100 scale, with 1 being the simplest.

• Stay away from comparisons. Don't be concerned about what anybody else thinks. Your friends may be proficient to climb a trail or scale a wall that makes you flinch, however for all you know, they could be frightened of the dark.

Recommended Resource: The Panic Away Official Site
They have developed a Natural Technique To Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Diagnosis of Panic Anxiety

Panic Anxiety is generally unrecognized by clinicians. Recognition of panic anxiety was linked with increased use of general medical settings. Physicians in these settings were more likely to recognize panic if
• panic symptoms were severe,
• phobic avoidance was present, or
• Panic reduced work capacity.

It is important that physicians distinguish between panic anxiety and hyperventilation syndrome. Although hyperventilation may be important in panic anxiety, hyperventilation syndrome lacks the clear-cut diagnostic criteria that characterize panic anxiety. Hyperventilation provocation tests using room air are poor inducers of panic attacks, and hyperventilation syndrome fails to respond to anxiolytics or antidepressants.

The significance of subsyndromal panic, either infrequent panic attacks or limited-symptom attacks, is still unclear. Although little research has been done on limited-symptom attacks, studies comparing panic disorder with infrequent panic suggest that the prevalence of comorbid psychiatric conditions is similar in both panic groups. With respect to disability and quality-of-life measures, however, subjects with infrequent panic tend to be intermediate between controls and those with panic disorder. Thus, recognition of infrequent panic is important, and may represent management implications similar to those of panic disorder.

Below mentioned is a list of medical conditions thought to be associated with panic or panic-like attacks. These conditions must be considered with a thorough history and physical examination before instituting a management plan. Routine laboratory testing is unnecessary and may actually be detrimental, despite patients' tendency to believe that in a somatic cause for their attacks. Although panic disorder is associated with mitral valve prolapse, the presence of the latter in patients with panic anxiety does not alter either the clinical course or the treatment response. A drug screen, however, is appropriate in any patient in whom substance abuse is suspected.

Conditions Associated with Panic Symptoms

1) Psychiatric Disorders
• Major depression
• Agoraphobia
• Simple phobia
• Social phobia
• Generalized anxiety disorder
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder
• Substance abuse
• Posttraumatic stress disorder

2) Cardiovascular Disorders
• Mitral valve prolapse
• Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

3) Endocrine Disorders
• Hyperthyroidism
• Hypoglycemia
• Menopause
• Pheochromocytoma
• Carcinoid syndrome

4) Neurologic Disorders
• Temporal lobe epilepsy
• Cerebral tumor
• Parkinson's disease

5) Sleep Disorders
• Narcolepsy
• Sleep apnea

6) Drug-related Disorders
• Antidepressant withdrawal
• Sedative-tranquilizer withdrawal
• Stimulant (cocaine, cannabis, PCP) use
• Metronidazole use
• L-dopa use
• Neuroleptic use
• Organic solvent exposure

7) Miscellaneous
• Wilson's disease
• Acute intermittent porphyria
• Hyperventilation syndrome

Recommended Resource: The Panic Away Official Site
They have developed a Natural Technique To Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Tips to Cure Acid Reflux

The drug history may entail irritating agents like anticholinergics, antibiotics, and aspirin. Inquire about hematemesis, anemia, dysphagia, or pulmonary symptoms that may point toward ruthless disease.

Nearly all patients who have gastroesophageal reflux get better after a month of Acid Reflux Cures with antacids and life-style changes. Further grievances of heartburn, non-cardiac chest pain, regurgitation, or other symptoms of reflux after a primary trial of Acid Reflux Cures prompt further examination.

Start with separating probable causes for the breakdown of primary cure as you again converse the setback with the patient:

• Has he or she reduced foods that generally make worse gastric acid reflux? The normal anti reflux diet checks spicy, acidic, and fatty foods, together with coffee, tea, and cola drinks. Do other foods look as if to bring out the symptoms? Peppermint and chocolate reduce the lower esophageal sphincter pressure and can aid reflux.

• Does definite behavior improve symptoms? Activities that encourage salivation--chewing gum, sucking antacids or lozenges, and eating sweet pickles—many a times put down the symptoms of reflux by dipping the lower esophagus with alkaline dribble.

Still when the patient sticks on to the proper dietary limitations, symptoms are probable to continue if he doesn't limit the amount of food eaten per sitting or keep away from eating and drinking for a minimum 3-4 hours prior to lying down or sleeping. Doing exercises--especially those that entail bending or running--quickly after eating also can make the trouble worse.

What development has the patient made in the direction of amending behavior? Obesity, cigarette smoking, and alcohol consumption are major complications to triumphant anti reflux therapy. Make certain the patient is conscious that these aspects, even in temperance, are expected to cause symptoms to continue.

Do symptoms initiate post prandially or shortly? Usually, heartburn takes place 30-45minutes subsequent to a heavy meal. It gets worse when the patient lies down and may decrease when he sits up.

Which drugs does the patient should acquire? Tranquilizers, anticholinergic agents, calcium channel blockers, and nitrates may aggravate gastroesophageal reflux in definite patients. At times, symptoms quite similar to those caused by reflux may be irritated when pills consisting of frustrating chemicals happen to be trapped in the esophagus and dissolve. This is mainly liable with vitamin C, aspirin, and antibiotics like tetracycline.

Heartburn No More!!
Is designed to Cure Heartburn, Acid Reflux (Gerd) & Hiatal Hernia Naturally Using The Only Clinically Proven & Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux System.

Related Articles -

1) Angina Pectoris – Causes and Symptoms
2) Tips to Cure Acid Reflux
3) Natural Ideas to Aid Acid Reflux
4) Heartburn, Acid Reflux Related To Throat Cancer
5) Acid Reflux - Painful Condition
6) Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux
7) Heartburn and Acid Reflux

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Natural Ideas to Aid Acid Reflux

Observing esophageal pH for 24 hours is the most perfect test for gastroesophageal reflux, and it is completed more and more on an outpatient basis. Manometry is performed along with it. The Bernstein test can authenticate acid sensitivity however doesn't make out reflux. Technetium gastric emptying scans are most obliging when pH and motility studies are uncertain. At the same time as endoscopy is the finest means for assessing esophageal mucosal damage, it is not lucrative when utilized as a screening tool.

Less than half of patients with Acid Reflux Natural Treatment have lesser esophageal sphincter ineffectiveness. In others, the disorder generally is associated to abnormal peristalsis, a defective esophageal clearance mechanism, or a grouping of the two.

The most ultimate test for authenticating Acid Reflux Natural Treatment into the esophagus is 24-hour pH observance: The clinician places a pH investigation close to the lower esophageal sphincter. The incidence of acid reflux, noticeable by pH readings below 4, is a gauge of capability of the lower esophageal sphincter. Commonly, one incident of reflux in an hour that lasts not over two minutes is considered normal. The period of reflux associates with the possibility of esophagitis: Approximately half of those with extended esophageal disclosure to acid develop esophagitis.

The main benefit of 24-hour pH monitoring is that it presents a chance to document the consequences of activities like eating, sleeping, and smoking of pH status and to associate specific intra-esophageal pH with the incidence of symptoms. Although not commonly available, 24-hour pH monitoring is turning out to be an outpatient process using portable monitors.

A few esophageal specialists employ the Bernstein test to compare the patient's report of symptoms with esophageal acidity, setting aside the more expensive and long 24-hour pH test for probable surgical candidates. All through the Bernstein test, regular saline and 0.1 normal hydrochloric acid are infused one by one into the mid-esophagus.

If acid mixture reproduces the patient's uneasiness, the test is affirmative and implies that symptoms are because of acid reflux. The Bernstein test measures acid sensitivity at a specified time, although it fails to generate symptoms in probably half the patients with reflux. Besides, a number of patients can have acid sensitivity however not a reflux trouble. To help illuminate the importance of an affirmative test, you might think about additional assessment with endoscopy and manometry. The Bernstein test costs just about $ 100 and doesn't necessitate hospitalization.

Heartburn No More!!
Is designed to Cure Heartburn, Acid Reflux (Gerd) & Hiatal Hernia Naturally Using The Only Clinically Proven & Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux System.

Related Articles -

1) Angina Pectoris – Causes and Symptoms
2) Tips to Cure Acid Reflux
3) Natural Ideas to Aid Acid Reflux
4) Heartburn, Acid Reflux Related To Throat Cancer
5) Acid Reflux - Painful Condition
6) Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux
7) Heartburn and Acid Reflux 

 Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Heartburn, Acid Reflux Related To Throat Cancer

People who experience regular heartburn and acid reflux have a greater risk of developing throat cancer, and taking antacids won't decrease the risk, a study revealed.

Heartburn is a burning ache in the chest that people generally relate with spicy foods or eating too much. Acid reflux is a regurgitation of acid from the stomach into the throat for the reason of a faulty valve.

Doctors believe that over time, the exasperating acid results in cellular changes in the throat that can lead to the most fatal form of throat cancer - adenocarcinoma. They said that as healing of heartburn and acid reflux doesn't diminish the cancer risk, sufferers with harsh symptoms should be watched vigilantly by their doctors for symptoms of cancer.

"Reflux symptoms should not be discharged as insignificant,'' said Dr. Jesper Lagergren of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm.

"If you have reflux symptoms and you get fresh symptoms - maybe you have symptoms for a number of years and maybe the symptoms appear to change, like trouble swallowing - then you should look for medical care.''

The study revealed that the risk of cancer was approximately eight times more with people who suffered heartburn, regurgitation or both as a minimum one time a week. Acid reflux at night was related with a risk just about 11 times more.

There was no augmented risk for another form of throat cancer known as squamous-cell carcinoma.

The total risk of developing throat cancer is very low. At the same time as up to one-fifth of Americans suffer from heartburn, just about 12,500 people a year suffer from throat cancer, as per the American Cancer Society.

For the last 25 years, throat cancer has turn out to be more and more common among white men, statistics illustrate, although researchers don't know why. What is the actual reason of heartburn and acid reflux isn't understandable.

Earlier studies have shown a relation between acid reflux and obesity, smoking and alcohol use; however this study found no association among those habits and heartburn. And there is no evidence of the extensively held conviction that spicy foods is the main reason of acid reflux or heartburn.

The more the occurrence, relentlessness and duration of heartburn and acid reflux, the more was the risk of developing throat cancer.

The researchers found no clue that cure - either with antacids or surgery - concentrated the risk. Actually, patients who got medical treatment had a higher risk of developing throat cancer.

A probable cause for this is those persons who employ medication are time and again the persons with more symptoms.

Heartburn No More!!
Is designed to Cure Heartburn, Acid Reflux (Gerd) & Hiatal Hernia Naturally Using The Only Clinically Proven & Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux System.

Related Articles -

1) Angina Pectoris – Causes and Symptoms
2) Tips to Cure Acid Reflux
3) Natural Ideas to Aid Acid Reflux
4) Heartburn, Acid Reflux Related To Throat Cancer
5) Acid Reflux - Painful Condition
6) Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux
7) Heartburn and Acid Reflux

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Acid Reflux - Painful Condition

Acid reflux is a very painful situation that can in the long run show the way to severe health conditions. People who suffer from usual acid reflux are at a much greater risk for developing definite esophageal cancers. Even with the danger of cancer out-of-the-way, acid reflux can be devastating just by the stable and unrelenting pain.

Remedies for heartburn and acid reflux fall into some unusual categories. The oldest and most well-liked medications for acid reflux are the antacids. Antacids are generally chewable or liquid medicines that counterbalance the acids in your stomach. They're certainly the best ever performing medicine for acid reflux, however also the most impermanent. The most ordinary element appears to be calcium carbonate, which not only tastes similar to chalk, however is in truth chalk. In recent times, aluminum hydroxide has happened to be a well-liked alternative antacid.

Acid reducers are a different really well-liked group of medicines for acid reflux. Similar to antacids, these are sold over the counter. Acid reducers take much more time to start working; although once they start to work you can count on aid from heartburn for quite a few hours or longer. Two of the most preferred acid reducers are Zantac and Pepcid AC. The drugs in Zantac and Pepcid, 'ranitidine' and 'famotidine' correspondingly, are also sold in standard forms which are much cheaper and look as if to work immediately as well.

Proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, are the next group of medicines for acid reflux. Most of these are obtainable by prescription; however the first PPI, sold under the brand name Prilosec, is now obtainable over the counter. PPIs can take days to generate their utmost effect, however if taken on a daily basis are an exceptionally successful medicine for acid reflux. They can also be taken carefully over and above acid reducers.

Finally, there are a number of non-drug medications for acid reflux as well. Even though all the drugs employed in acid reflux are harmless and have a very low rate of side effects, it's always an excellent thought to do consider what non-pharmaceutical steps you can take to flatter your treatment. Uplifting your bed, keeping away from large or greasy meals, and waiting in any case three hours prior to lying down after eating are all medications for acid reflux that don't necessitate taking a pill, and may be sufficient in them to avoid any heartburn you are having.

Heartburn No More!!
Is designed to Cure Heartburn, Acid Reflux (Gerd) & Hiatal Hernia Naturally Using The Only Clinically Proven & Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux System.

Related Articles -

1) Angina Pectoris – Causes and Symptoms
2) Tips to Cure Acid Reflux
3) Natural Ideas to Aid Acid Reflux
4) Heartburn, Acid Reflux Related To Throat Cancer
5) Acid Reflux - Painful Condition
6) Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux
7) Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Tips to Control Acne

As fall comes closer and the tan fades, acne conditions - once became better by the sun's rays - could start to flare, resulting in ugly blackheads and bumps.

The sun can recover acne conditions. Dermatologists in the '40s and '50s even suggested that teens sit in the sun to decrease acne. The acne vanished, although decades later, the patients suffered from skin cancer. Actually the risks prevail over the benefits.

There are other successful treatments accessible.

Acne is hereditarily based. It can't be healed or prevented, however it can be controlled. The skin disorder is caused when hormones generate a reaction that stimulates oil production, thus clogging facial pores. This increase results in red bumps and blackheads.

A dermatologist can suggest treatments to treat various types of acne, either its unclogging the pores or falling oil glands. Generic drugs like Oxy works only in soft cases.

Treatments work on every special feature of what produces the acne. Over-the-counter medications are not as successful and put forward no durable avoidance benefits.

To keep acne under control, you have to take care of your skin with gentleness. Try to keep hands away from the face and evade picking or popping pimples.

Attach to a skin-care schedule, washing not more than two times daily with a gentle soap or cleanser. Stay away from buttery moisturizers and sunscreens and use products that do not block pores.

When the matter is skin care, it is significant to be practical, not imprudent."

Acne Myths/Realities

• Sweat is not the cause of acne. There is no direct association among perspiration and acne.

• Oily and fatty foods do not cause acne.

• Even though heavy creams are not good for keeping clear skin, it is significant to moisturize, even at the time of breakouts.

• Drinking plenty of liquids is vital for overall skin health, although it will not avert acne.

• Stress will worsen acne. It is not the root cause of acne.

Visit your dermatologist to find out which products are good for your skin type.

Ways to Thrash Breakouts

• Don't try out inventive zit busters similar to toothpaste, hemorrhoid creams or eye drops. They can aggravate already broken-out skin.

• Don't eat food products with high iodine, although don't be concerned about chocolate or fries. Dermatologists say there is no connection between these delicacies and acne.

• Don't apply heavy leave-in conditioners or fashionable products if you're apt to hairline acne.

• Don't pick or press pimples. It can cause blemishes on the skin.

• Do make use of acne medication.

Recommended Acne Resource: Acne Free in 3 Days report

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Acne: A Common Problem among Teenagers

ACNE is the curse of teenage years. Almost every teenage boy and roughly 80% of girls will suffer from it.

Boys are more prone than girls to have severe acne at some stage in adolescence as androgens like testosterone encourages the production of keratin and sebum, which leads to clogged pores. On the contrary, women are much more expected than men to have acne in their 20s, 30s and 40s. A few doctors say it is due to the use of cosmetics and birth control pills.

The actual reason of acne is not known although there are various reasons: -
• Heredity
• Hormones
• Stress
• Cosmetics
• Occupational exposure
• Certain medications
• Certain nutritional factors that can aggravate acne

Acne is not caused by unclean pores, although most probably by over-active oil glands. The surplus oil makes the pores humid, permitting bacteria to become ensnared inside. Washing only takes away oil from the surface of the skin although not from inside the plugged ducts. However regardless of what the cause is, there are steps that you can do to help clear-up your skin.

Nutritional Aspect
1. Eat a fiber rich diet. This is significant for keeping the colon clean and removing the body of contaminants.

2. Eat more and more zinc rich food, like shellfish, soyabeans, whole grains, sunflowers, and a small quantity of uncooked nuts every day.

3. Eat a lot of sour products, like low-fat yogurt, to keep healthy intestinal flora.

4. Stay away from alcohol, butter, caffeine, cheese, chocolate, cocoa, cream, eggs, fat, fried foods, hot and spicy foods, soft drink.

5. Stay away from all forms of sugar, like refined carbohydrates and a decrease in animal fats, combined with multivitamin supplement and sensible doses of zinc.

6. Remove all processed foods from the diet and do not make use of iodized salt.

7. Other nutrients supplements:
• NutriBeaute sea food extract, to provide essential amino acids, Vitamin C and minerals of zinc and magnesium, which help to encourage total skin health, particularly in healing and tissues repair. It also helps to develop the suppleness and liveliness of the skin tissues.

• Essential fatty acids, to provide essential gamma-linoleic acid, required to keep skin smooth and soft, mend damaged skin cells, and melt fatty deposits that block pores.

• Vitamin B complex, to get better blood flow to the surface of the skin.

• Zinc, which helps in curing tissues and helps to check scarring. A crucial factor in the oil-producing glands of the skin.

Recommended Acne Resource: Acne No More report

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Growing Resistance of Acne Bacterium against Medications

Organic and clinical resistance to common antibiotic acne medications is a rising problem and, if something isn't done about it quickly; present therapies could become ineffective, as per a leading British dermatologist.

The last 25 years has seen rise in the use of a number of antibiotics, equally oral and contemporary. Consequently the development of resistant Propioni-bacterium acne (P. acne) was "unavoidable," although it's taken several years for this resistance to present itself clinically, said Dr. William Cunliffe, chairman and director of dermatology at Leeds General Hospital.

The trouble has become mostly noteworthy within the last ten years, he told delegates to an acne conference at the American Academy of Dermatology's (AAD) annual meeting.

The discovery of resistant P. acne does not essentially involve clinical resistance, although Dr. Cunliffe said his observations are borne out by clinical studies and the reality he's seeing progressively recommendations of patients failing to respond to sufficient courses of antibiotics.

Among the probable aspects causative to resistance is a low antibiotic absorption, said Dr. Cunliffe. “If you've got low blood absorptions, for whatsoever cause, in your patient's ducts, you'll have condensed antimicrobial activity and this will add to the risk of P. acne resistance.”

A low antibiotic absorption may be caused by a high sebum secretion, which may perhaps “wash out what would otherwise be a useful therapy.” The absorption may also be exaggerated by differences in comedomal structures and reduced observance.

Dr. Cunliffe presented doctors “very helpful clinical hints” to raise their thoughts about resistance.

An unusual therapy to aid overcome P. acne resistance is minocycline. Though, it's much more costly than other antibiotics.

One more approach in England is to employ a hormone amendable product called
"Diane" (not obtainable in the U.S.) which, mainly when used with cyproterone acetate, "permits to decrease the absorption of sebum produced" and thus raise reaction.

Added "strategies" for primary care physicians take in using antibiotics “as long as extremely essential" and treating patients "for the least amount of time necessary generally around six months, said Dr. Cunliffe.

If more treatment is required, he recommended using "short prevailing courses" of the similar drug. "If the patient acts in response well, you discontinue the treatment, and if you have to use any more antibiotics, make use of the same one. Don't muddle up and match."

Dr. Cunliffe notified against simultaneous therapy. “You would by no means use, for instance, oral tetracycline and contemporary erythromycin all together. That will just raise the danger of resistance.”

For patients with easygoing acne to whom doctors may not prefer to give oral therapy, Dr, Cunliffe recommended using non-antibiotic antimicrobials. "The only drug so far proven in vivo to essentially conquer resistance is a mixture of benzoyl peroxide and erythromycin ... We have revealed very obviously that this will decrease this resistance."

Recommended Acne Resource: Acne Free in 3 Days report

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Acne Not Left Behind With Adolescence

One of life's mean delusions is that acne is a problem you leave behind with adolescence. Unluckily, a lot of people who gust through their teens with ideal skin break out with acne as adults.

One inspirational truth about acne is that nobody has it perpetually. Ultimately, the situation clears up on its own. Correct analysis and treatment by a dermatologist can bring a large amount of cases under control.

At the same time as you can't heal acne, you can see spectacular progress and the sooner you care for it, the earlier your skin will look healthier. Fast action will also decrease your chances of enduring scarring.

Adult acne is time and again blamed on factors, similar to stress and cosmetics. Skin troubles caused by cosmetics are showy, and a lot of the unpleasant ingredients formerly used in makeups have been removed. Stress can worsen acne, but it's not believed to be a basic cause.

A mixture of causes creeps around behind acne breakouts. A few complexions explode into pimples at the least irritation. Others have nary a mark. Although around 95% of people have some type of acne at a short time in their lives. Medical science has enlightened a lot regarding the origin of acne, although much remains unheard of.

Basically, the situation is hormone-related. Several women, for example, discover that their breakouts happen together with a particular segment of their menstrual cycle.

It's ordinary for acne to initially appear at some point in puberty, when increasing hormone levels cause an increase in the size and movement of oil glands in your skin. Not shockingly, acne-prone areas, for example your face, chest and back, hold more of these glands. The forehead, for example, has more than 2,000 oil glands in every square inch.

Adult acne is more frequent in women. It frequently develops in the late 20s or early 30s, when hormone changes happen. Other acne-producing periods are post- pregnancy, or when a woman begins or stops taking the Pill.

In reaction to hormonal attacks, the glands generate surplus oil, which, together with bacteria, dead skin cells and other irritants, blocks your pores and causes irritation. In a comparatively open pore, the mark appears as a blackhead. When the pore opening is very tiny, a whitehead, pimple or swelling will form in your skin. The blocked pore happens to be reddened and infected, and a cut rises to the surface. Whiteheads and cysts stay underneath the skin.

Recommended Acne Resource: Acne Free in 3 Days report

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 8 November 2008

7 Tips To Prevent Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath (Halitosis) may be caused by poor mouth hygiene, throat infection, teeth and gim decay, excessive smoking or the presence of bacteria in the mouth.

The following helpful suggestions may help prevent bad breath (Halitosis):

Bad breath (halitosis) is often associated with putrefactive bacteria living on un-digested food in the stomach. This condition causes gas to be released through the breath. Supplementing the diet with the friendly bacteria Lactobacillus Acidophilus often helps.

Acidophilus can be found in youhurt or capsule or milk form. These are available in most stores.

Brushing Your Tongue
Dr John Toncetich from the School of Dentistry, University of British Columbia in Vacouver, Canada, performed a study to find out the best way to reduce bad breath. 8 volunteers, all of whom suffered from morning bad breath, participated in the study. The doctor found that brushing teeth reduced mouth odour by about 25%. Brushing the teeth and the tongue reduced mouth odour by 85%.

This study was published in journal call Oral Surgery.

Mouth Washes
Most contain high concetrations of alcohol. The alcohol kills bacteria in the mouth but only temporarily. When the bacteria return, more come back than before you used the mouth wash. Many dentists believe the alcohol-laced mouth wash can damage the tissue in the mouth, cause inflammation and result in bad breath (Halitosis).

Avoid Galic, Onions, Fish and Alcohol
They contain compounds that produce excessive odour when dissolved in the mouth.

Eat Parsley
It contains chlorophyll whichabsorbs mouth odour when chewed.

Go for Citrus as well as Mint Flavours
Citrus flovoured drinks and sweets stimulates salivation and activate the mouth's self-cleaning process.

Try Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide
According to Dr Dan Watt, DDS, of the International Dental Health Foundation, a good way to freshen bad breath (Halitosis) is to brush once a day (preferably before bed) with home-made toothpaste made of one teaspoonful of baking soda and a capful of hydrogen peroxide. The baking soda is an abrasive which removes the bacteria and also kills it, while the hydorgen peroxide produces oxygen bubbles which also destroys the germs.

Recommended: The Bad Breath Report

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How To Cure Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Review: “The Bad Breath Report” by Tomas O'Caomhanach


"How To Cure Bad Breath In Less Than 3 Days... & Have Strong Healthy Teeth & A Sparkling White Smile For The Rest Of Your Life"

"Discover How An Easy $2 Mix Of Safe Common Ingredients Can Cure Bad Breath With A 96.03% Success Rate... Even If Everything Else Has Failed"

By Tomas O'Caomhanach

Tomas O'Caomhanach “Bad Breath Report” unlocks the key to a “fresh breath system” that truly works by telling readers to simply give their mouths “5 minutes a day using common household ingredients.” It certainly might sound too good to be true but by Tomas O'Caomhanach claims that he has thoroughly researched the causes and effects of bad breath as well as hundreds of solutions. He has compiled the best of the best information to ensure that anyone willing to give the “5 minute a day” effort will have fresh breath for life! Alongside these A+ answers, Mr O'Caomhanach gives readers bonus briefs about the highs and lows of dentistry today and news that affects are mouths every day, whether we know it or not.

Mr Tomas O'Caomhanach begins his lesson by introducing the reader to exactly what bad breath, or in technical terms halitosis, really is. By explaining “in mouth” causes of halitosis, which he claims affects “80-90% of the general population,” he then carries on to effects; both inner and outer. Inner effects are the obvious; a smelly mouth, possible gum disease and tooth loose while outer effects are less thought of but just as apparent and include non-social behaviors, loss of sex life and possible depression. After thoroughly explaining these causes and effects, Tomas O'Caomhanach provides what all bad breath victims need – an uncomplicated solution!

The book’s “Knockout Punch” protocol tells readers exactly how to rid themselves of bad breath for good with a solution so simple, that most won’t believe it was right under their noses the whole time! By making easy lifestyle changes like drinking more water and stopping usage of oral hygiene products (yes that includes mouthwashes!), users will “cut the severity of a bad breath problem by as much as 50%.” Investing in a tongue scrapper is the next step, followed by the use of the common household product hydrogen peroxide. Mr O'Caomhanach provides two fantastic mouth rinse and mouth paste recipes that will not only shine up your smile but will bring your gums back to a healthy pink color, eliminate the white bacterial coating on your tongue and can almost guarantee no more mouth diseases or problems.

The “Knockout Punch” surrounds itself with the phrase “change the environment in your mouth from one that supports the growth of VSC-producing bacteria (the bad guy) to one that will not.” This simply fresh breath system, that takes no more than 5 minutes daily, does just that.

Next, the breath guru proceeds to answer any questions that have arisen from “The Bad Breath Report” in an easy to follow FAQ format. Is it safe for dentures? Can I still chew gum? How long does it take to get rid of my tongue discoloration? Does this actually work? Tomas O'Caomhanach answers all of these questions and more, stating that in order to maintain fresh breath, you must sustain the methods for life. It isn’t a once and done thing but an all the time thing that must be incorporated into one’s lifestyle. Once you have made the decision to proceed and use the “fresh breath system” your tongue will lose its whitish discoloration, your teeth will become pearly white and your breath will smell like roses; well maybe not quite roses but close to it!

As if the “fresh breath system” weren’t enough, Tomas O'Caomhanach continues to fill readers with useful knowledge that will keep them abreast of changes in the world of dentistry and the human mouth cavity. He fills us in on the natural way to fill cavities, how to reverse gum disease, the magical powers of the common product honey, how to use ice to kill toothaches and new fangled ideas such as the use of light to kill bacteria.

Tomas O'Caomhanach also unravels the mystery surrounding fluoride; somewhat of a conspiracy that the government has hidden from the public for ages to spare themselves from humiliation and lawsuits galore. Through an exclusive interview with Michael Connett, the project director of the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), by Tomas O'Caomhanach and Connett reveal the damaging secrets of the super agent fluoride. The twosome go through the reasons why ingesting fluoride through our public drinking water systems won’t help your teeth, how highly contaminated the fluoride that is added to our drinking water can be, how Europe has ceased putting fluoride in drinking water and have experienced “no rise in tooth decay whatsoever,” the role of fluoride in the development of atomic bombs (shocking but true!), the links between Alzheimer’s disease and fluoride that have been completely ignored by government agencies and the real reasons why the government simply won’t put an end to this madness. Lucky for us Tomas O'Caomhanach gives readers ways to avoid potentially harmful fluoride and keeps us abreast of FAN’s latest fight against fluoride.

Although the ending was a bit brief when he closes with a simple “and so it goes,” the report truly speaks for itself. By filling us in on the ins and outs of the workings of the mouth, new dentistry technology and easy clean mouth solutions, readers go from 0 to 100 in knowledge power within minutes. It has certainly changed my views on my mouth and having actually tried some of the suggestions, I know that Tomas O'Caomhanach and his “Bad Breath Report” are right on the money. This is a must read for anyone who wants a clean, healthy mouth for life!

The reviewed Bad Breath Report can be found here.

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux

To help prevent heartburn:

1/ eat several small meals a day and don’t eat just before going to bed
2/ try to identify and avoid foods that bring on the pain
3/ cut down on alcohol, particularly neat spirits
4/ stop smoking
5/ don’t bend over, lie down or exercise within one hour of eating
6/ try losing weight
7/ don’t wear a tight belt or other restrictive clothing
8/ sleep with extra pillows, or elevate the bed head using 15 cm blocks
9/ take an antacid immediately after a meal

If the above measures don’t work, check out this resource for more helpful information: Heartburn No More!!

Heartburn No More!!
Is designed to Cure Heartburn, Acid Reflux (Gerd) & Hiatal Hernia Naturally Using The Only Clinically Proven & Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux System.

Related Articles -

1) Angina Pectoris – Causes and Symptoms
2) Tips to Cure Acid Reflux
3) Natural Ideas to Aid Acid Reflux
4) Heartburn, Acid Reflux Related To Throat Cancer
5) Acid Reflux - Painful Condition
6) Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux
7) Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Heartburn is an extremely common symptom. This painful burning sensation under the the breastbone can vary from niggling discomfort to a pain so intense it may be mistaken for a heart attack.

Acid Reflux occurs when the muscular valve which prevents the backflow of stomach acid into the oesophagus (gullet) is put under severe pressure as a result of for example overeating or being obese.

If you are suffering from persistent or recurrent heartburn, check out this resource: Heartburn No More!!

Heartburn No More!!
Is designed to Cure Heartburn, Acid Reflux (Gerd) & Hiatal Hernia Naturally Using The Only Clinically Proven & Unique 5-Step Holistic Acid Reflux System.

Related Articles -

1) Angina Pectoris – Causes and Symptoms
2) Tips to Cure Acid Reflux
3) Natural Ideas to Aid Acid Reflux
4) Heartburn, Acid Reflux Related To Throat Cancer
5) Acid Reflux - Painful Condition
6) Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux
7) Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Immediate Panic Anxiety Relief

Self-help measures to relive anxiety include:

1/ Talking to Someone
Discussing the problem with a trusted friend, neighbour or relative who is a good listener and whose opinions you respect is a start. Sharing your worries and feelings can put them into calmer perspective.

2/ Self-help Groups
Contacting the appropriate self-help group. It’s very likely you will come across someone who has been through a similar experiences. Talk to them

3/ Relaxation Technique
Relaxation exercises, regular physical activities and meditation keeps the mind active. Try practising a relaxation technique regularly not just when a crisis is already under way.

If symptoms of anxiety persist or recur despite this measures you might want to check out the following resource: The Panic Away Official Site

The Panic Away Official Site
They have developed a Natural Technique To Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Panic Anxiety and Panic Attack

The main causes of anxiety in people (men, both young and old) are worries about health, money and losing their jobs. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a form of anxiety that may be caused by being involved in an accident or incident (being attacked).

Symptoms relating to anxiety are:

Lack of emotion
Difficulty breathing
Headaches/tight band around your head
Lack of sleep and feeling constantly tired
Difficulty swallowing
Loss of interest in anything
Racing heart
Disturbing thoughts
Constant worrying/feelings of stress
Paranoia about what people think
Blurred vision
Feelings of Panic
Pins and needles
Constantly anxious
Feelings like you are going mad/not with it
Feelings of hopelessness
A Racing Heart
Chest Pain
Bowel Troubles
General Fatigue
Butterflies in the Stomach

Mistaking these symptoms for a physical illness only serves to make the anxiety worse.

Recommended Resource: The Panic Away Official Site
They have developed a Natural Technique To Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

Taking a Look at Man Boobs

Man boobs can be an extreme source of entertainment for members of the outside world. For the man who suffers from the condition, there is nothing to laugh about. Everyday life is wrought with obstacles like how to get out of a pool party invitation to wearing bulky sweaters in the heat of the summer.

It is a condition known as Gynecomastia in the medical world. It is common among males between the ages of 40 to 50 years old. Teenage boys are also prone to the development of man boobs. As the boys outgrow puberty the man boobs typically disappear. For many more men however, man boobs simply become a hated part of daily life.


There are no scientifically proven factors that the medical profession has been able to pinpoint as the cause of man boobs. Over time and evaluation of lifestyle, environment and general well being of men, it became apparent that there were some distinct causes at the root of man boob development.


First on the list is identifying the situation as being a medical condition known as Gynecomastia. In this instance, the male mammary glands grow to an unusually large size. As the glands increase in size so does the breast tissue. The end result is the development in boobs for a man. Treatment programs include prescription medications that counteract the high levels of estrogen present in a male body. Other medications are those that are used to treat female breast cancer. This doe not mean a man has cancer. It is simply an effective way to begin reducing the affects of excessive breast tissue in the body.

Food Products

Another possible cause of man boob development can be found in the surrounding environment and lifestyle of a man. In general, men consume more meat products than women do. There is an increasing risk of processed foods containing unknown chemical agents. One such chemical is female growth hormone. This is injected into meat and dairy cows to richen the quality of product given to consumers. Over time, the estrogen builds up in a man’s system as the levels of testosterone fall. This causes fat deposits which eventually turn into man boobs. This is a common cause in men who consume large portions of meat on a daily basis with no physical activity to reduce the effects of the meat consumption.


Population growth rates are surging in virtually every corner of the globe. With this rise in population comes the emission of toxins into the environment. When toxic chemicals from car exhausts and factory pipes are emitted into the air, it is injected into the body through the air that is breathed in. Research has indicted that the presence of toxins in the environment has a direct affect on the reduction of testosterone levels in males. Low testosterone levels mixed with high levels of estrogen result in the development of man boobs.

What to Avoid

Outside of Gynecomastia which is a genetic cause of man boobs, there are steps a man can take in everyday life to lessen the chances of developing man boobs.

At the top of this list is the consumption of certain food products that have shown to be high in estrogen levels. Soy products are one of the biggest sources of estrogen. The plant estrogen present in soy deceives the body into thinking it is digesting pure estrogen. Other food products to avoid when possible are sweet, sugary things such as chips, candy and chocolate. Alcohol and beer should also be avoided when possible. These beverages contain high amounts of empty calories and estrogen.

Perhaps the best thing for men to avoid in deterring man boobs is a sedentary lifestyle. The more physical activity a man can squeeze into a day the better.

Getting Rid of

There are three basic ways to get rid of man boobs. The first is through a surgical procedure such as liposuction. The recovery period is minimal and physical appearance changes are evident once the bandages come off. As mentioned earlier, exercise and physical activity can go a long way to reduce the appearance of man boobs. Cardio workouts and those targeting the development of chest muscle mass are ideal. Outside of these two options there are numerous programs available online to get rid of man boobs. Each features step by step program guidelines on successful changes that can be made in a man’s life.

Man boobs are no laughing matter to the millions of men suffering from the condition. Regardless of what the underlying cause is, men are just eager to find a solution that gives them back their life.

Check out this great blog for more information on Man Boobs.

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