Saturday, 1 November 2008

Panic Anxiety and Panic Attack

The main causes of anxiety in people (men, both young and old) are worries about health, money and losing their jobs. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a form of anxiety that may be caused by being involved in an accident or incident (being attacked).

Symptoms relating to anxiety are:

Lack of emotion
Difficulty breathing
Headaches/tight band around your head
Lack of sleep and feeling constantly tired
Difficulty swallowing
Loss of interest in anything
Racing heart
Disturbing thoughts
Constant worrying/feelings of stress
Paranoia about what people think
Blurred vision
Feelings of Panic
Pins and needles
Constantly anxious
Feelings like you are going mad/not with it
Feelings of hopelessness
A Racing Heart
Chest Pain
Bowel Troubles
General Fatigue
Butterflies in the Stomach

Mistaking these symptoms for a physical illness only serves to make the anxiety worse.

Recommended Resource: The Panic Away Official Site
They have developed a Natural Technique To Stop Panic Attacks and General Anxiety Fast!

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